صفحات سایت / تصاویر علمی
Robert Koch - 1393/04/21
تصویر علمی هفته
Robert Koch
Robert Heinrich Herman Koch , German Physician and pioneering Bacteriologist.
He worked for several years as a field physician of military service in the Franco-Prussian War.
After receiving a Microscope as a gift from his wife on his 29th birthday, he began studying his patients' diseases.
Koch devised new techniques for preparing microscopic slides in 1877.
In 1881 he described his method for obtaining pure cultures, which formed the basis for the developing field of bacteriology in isolating disease-causing organisms and isolating pure culture on solid media.
He explained the disease cycle of Anthrax in 1876, found the cause of Tuberculosis in 1882, and discovered the bacteria that causes Cholera in 1883.
In 1890 he presented what is now called Koch's Four Postulates, four elementary rules still used for determining whether a given bacteria is the cause of a specific disease.
As a result of his research on Tuberculosis, Koch received the Nobel Prize in Physiology - Medicine in 1905.
Robert Heinrich Herman Koch born December 11 1843 , Clausthal- Hanover, Germany- died of Heart Failure , May 27 1910 (aged 66) , Baden-Baden, Germany.
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